Great Wall Of China-

Great Wall Of China

Great Wall Of China-

Great Wall of China, Chinese (Pinyin) Wanli Changcheng or (Wade-Giles romanization) Wan-li Ch’ang-ch’eng (“10,000-Li Long Wall”), extensive bulwark erected in ancient China, one of the largest building-construction projects ever undertaken. The Great Wall actually consists of numerous walls—many of them parallel to each other—built over some two millennia across northern China and southern Mongolia. The most extensive and best-preserved version of the wall dates from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) and runs for some 5,500 miles (8,850 km) east to west from Mount Hu near Dandong, southeastern Liaoning province, to Jiayu Pass west of Jiuquan, northwestern Gansu province. This wall often traces the crestlines of hills and mountains as it snakes across the Chinese countryside, and about one-fourth of its length consists solely of natural barriers such as rivers and mountain ridges. Nearly all of the rest (about 70 percent of the total length) is actual constructed wall, with the small remaining stretches constituting ditches or moats. Although lengthy sections of the wall are now in ruins or have disappeared completely, it is still one of the more remarkable structures on Earth. The Great Wall was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

Great Wall Of China-

Large parts of the fortification system date from the 7th through the 4th century bce. In the 3rd century bce Shihuangdi (Qin Shihuang), the first emperor of a united China (under the Qin dynasty), connected a number of existing defensive walls into a single system. Traditionally, the eastern terminus of the wall was considered to be Shanhai Pass (Shanhaiguan) in eastern Hebei province along the coast of the Bo Hai (Gulf of Chihli), and the wall’s length—without its branches and other secondary sections—was thought to extend for some 4,160 miles (6,700 km). However, government-sponsored investigations that began in the 1990s revealed sections of wall in Liaoning, and aerial and satellite surveillance eventually proved that this wall stretched continuously through much of the province. The greater total length of the Ming wall was announced in 2009.

Great Wall Of China-

History of construction

Great Wall Of China-

The Great Wall developed from the disparate border fortifications and castles of individual Chinese kingdoms. For several centuries these kingdoms probably were as concerned with protection from their near neighbours as they were with the threat of barbarian invasions or raids.


Early building

Great Wall Of China-

About the 7th century bce the state of Chu started to construct a permanent defensive system. Known as the “Square Wall,” this fortification was situated in the northern part of the kingdom’s capital province. From the 6th to the 4th century other states followed Chu’s example. In the southern part of the Qi state an extensive perimeter wall was gradually created using existing river dikes, newly constructed bulwarks, and areas of impassable mountain terrain. The Qi wall was made mainly of earth and stone and terminated at the shores of the Yellow Sea. In the Zhongshan state a wall system was built to thwart invasion from the states of Zhao and Qin in the southwest. There were two defensive lines in the Wei state: the Hexi (“West of the [Yellow] River”) and Henan (“South of the River”) walls. The Hexi Wall was a fortification against the Qin state and western nomads. Built during the reign of King Hui (370–335 bce), it was expanded from the dikes on the Luo River on the western border. It started in the south near Xiangyuan Cave, east of Mount Hua, and ended at Guyang in what is now the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Henan Wall, built to protect Daliang (the capital, now Kaifeng), was repaired and extended in King Hui’s later years. The Zheng state also built a wall system, which was rebuilt by the Han state after it conquered Zheng. The state of Zhao completed a southern wall and a northern wall; the southern wall was built mainly as a defense against the Wei state.


Great Wall Of China-


After administrative reorganization was carried out by Shang Yang (died 338 bce), the Qin state grew politically and militarily to become the strongest among the seven states, but it was frequently raided by the Donghu and Loufan, two nomadic peoples from the north. Therefore, the Qin erected a wall that started from Lintiao, went north along the Liupan Mountains, and ended at the Huang He (Yellow River).

Great Wall Of China-


In the Yan state two separate defensive lines were prepared—the Northern Wall and the Yishui Wall—in an effort to defend the kingdom from attacks by northern groups such as the Donghu, Linhu, and Loufan, as well as by the Qi state in the south. The Yishui Wall was expanded from the dike of the Yi River as a defense line against Qi and Zhao, its two main rival states. It began southwest of Yi City, the capital, and ended south of Wen’an. In 290 bce the Yan state built the Northern Wall along the Yan Mountains, starting from the northeast in the area of Zhangjiakou in Hebei, passing over the Liao River, and extending to the ancient city of Xiangping (modern Liaoyang). This was the last segment of the Great Wall to be erected during the Zhanguo (Warring States) period.


Great Wall Of China-


In 221 bce Shihuangdi, the first Qin emperor, completed his annexation of Qi and thus unified China. He ordered removal of the fortifications set up between the previous states because they served only as obstacles to internal movements and administration. In addition, he sent Gen. Meng Tian to garrison the northern border against incursions of the nomadic Xiongnu and to link the existing wall segments in Qin, Yan, and Zhao into the so-called “10,000-Li Long Wall” (2 li equal approximately 0.6 mile [1 km]). This period of construction began about 214 bce and lasted a decade. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and conscripted workers laboured on the project. With the fall of the Qin dynasty after Shihuangdi’s death, however, the wall was left largely ungarrisoned and fell into disrepair.


Great Wall Of China-



The Han through Yuan dynasties

During the reign of the Han emperor Wudi (141–87 bce), the wall was strengthened as part of an overall campaign against the Xiongnu. From that period the Great Wall also contributed to the exploitation of farmland in northern and western China and to the growth of the trade route that came to be known as the Silk Road. In 121 bce a 20-year project of construction was started on the Hexi Wall (generally known as the Side Wall) between Yongdeng (now in Gansu) in the east and Lake Lop Nur (now in Xinjiang) in the west. According to Juyan Hanjian (“Juyan Correspondence of the Han”), the strongpoints set up along the wall included “a beacon every 5 li, a tower every 10 li, a fort every 30 li, and a castle every 100 li.”


Great Wall Of China-


The main work on the wall during the Dong (Eastern) Han period (25–220 ce) took place during the reign of Liu Xiu (Guangwudi), who in 38 ordered the repair of four parallel lines of the Great Wall in the area south of the Hexi Wall. The Great Wall served not only for defense but also to centralize control of trade and travel.
During the Bei (Northern) Wei dynasty (386–534/535 ce), the Great Wall was repaired and extended as a defense against attacks from the Juan-juan and Khitan tribes in the north. According to Wei shu: Mingyuandi Ji (“History of Wei: Chronicle of Emperor Mingyuan”), in 417, the eighth year of the reign of Mingyuandi (409–423), a part of the Great Wall was built south of Changchuan, from Chicheng (now in Hebei) to Wuyuan (now in Inner Mongolia) in the west, extending more than 620 miles (1,000 km). During the reign of Taiwudi (423–452), a lower and thinner wall of rammed earth was built around the capital as a complement to the Great Wall. Starting from Guangling in the east, it extended to the eastern side of the Huang He, forming a circle around Datong. In 549, after the Dong Wei kingdom moved its capital east to Ye, it also built a segment of the Great Wall in the area of contemporary Shanxi province


Great Wall Of China-


In order to strengthen its northern frontier and prevent invasion from the west by the Bei Zhou, the Bei Qi kingdom (550–577) launched several big construction projects that were nearly as extensive in scope as the building projects of the Qin dynasty. In 552 a segment was built on the northwestern border, and only three years later the emperor ordered the recruitment of 1.8 million workers to repair and extend other sections. The construction took place between the south entrance of Juyong Pass (near modern Beijing) and Datong (in Shanxi). In 556 a new fortification was set up in the east and extended to the Yellow Sea. The following year a second wall was built inside the Great Wall within modern Shanxi, beginning in the vicinity of Laoying east of Pianguan, extending to the east beyond Yanmen Pass and Pingxing Pass, and ending in the area around Xiaguan in Shanxi. In 563 the emperor Wuchengdi of the Bei Qi had a segment repaired along the Taihang Mountains. That is the part of the Great Wall found today in the area around Longguan, Guangchang, and Fuping (in Shanxi and Hebei). In 565 the inner wall built in 557 was repaired, and a new wall was added that started in the vicinity of Xiaguan, extended to the Juyong Pass in the east, and then joined to the outer wall. The segments repaired and added during the Bei Qi period totaled some 900 miles (1,500 km), and towns and barracks were established at periodic intervals to garrison the new sections. In 579, in order to prevent invasions of the Bei Zhou kingdom by the Tujue (a group of eastern Turks) and the Khitan, the emperor Jing started a massive rebuilding program on areas of the wall located in the former Bei Qi kingdom, starting at Yanmen in the west and ending at Jieshi in the east.


Great Wall Of China-


During the Sui dynasty (581–618) the Great Wall was repaired and improved seven times in an effort to defend the country against attacks from the Tujue. After the Tang dynasty (618–907) replaced the Sui, the country grew much stronger militarily, defeating the Tujue in the north and expanding beyond the original frontier. Thus, the Great Wall gradually lost its significance as a fortification, and there was no need for repairs or additions. During the Song dynasty (960–1279), however, the Liao and Jin peoples in the north were a constant threat. The Song rulers were forced to withdraw to the south of the lines of the Great Wall built by the Qin, Han, and Northern dynasties. Many areas on both sides of the wall were subsequently taken over by the Liao (907–1125) and Jin dynasties (1115–1234). When the Song rulers had to retreat even farther—to the south of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang)—repairs to the wall or extensions of it were no longer feasible. Limited repairs were carried out once (1056) during Liao times but only in the area between the Yazi and Huntong rivers.


Great Wall Of China-


In 1115, after the Jin dynasty was established, work was performed on two defensive lines at Mingchang. The old wall there—previously called the Wushu Wall, or Jinyuan Fort—ran westward from a point north of Wulanhada, then wound through the Hailatu Mountains, turning to the north and then to the west again, finally ending at the Nuanshui River. The second of the lines was the new Mingchang Wall, also called the Inner Jin Wall or the Jin Trench, which was constructed south of the old wall. It started in the west from a bend in the Huang He and ended at the Sungari (Songhua) River.
During the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (1206–1368), the Mongols controlled all of China, as well as other parts of Asia and sections of Europe. As a defensive structure the Great Wall was of little significance to them; however, some forts and key areas were repaired and garrisoned in order to control commerce and to limit the threat of rebellions from the Chinese (Han) and other nationalities.

The Ming dynasty to the present

Great Wall Of China-

Rulers during the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) ceaselessly maintained and strengthened the Great Wall to prevent another Mongolian invasion. The majority of the work took place along the old walls built by the Bei Qi and Bei Wei.

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10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

6)  Methane Gas

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

Large amounts of methane gas is trapped below the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle. A ruptured methane gas pocket causes density of water to drop and could cause ships above to sink.

7) Navy Avenger Torpedo Bombers

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

One of the biggest losses of US Military happened back in 1945. Five US Navy Avenger torpedo bombers flew from the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, Florida, for a sortie to the Bimini island. After 90 minutes, the radio operators got a signal that the compass was not functioning. Thereafter, the communication was lost and the Navy Avenger torpedo bombers were never discovered.

 8) No Formal Study 

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

Only private investigations have been carried out to unearth the disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle. No formal study has been carried out to explore the Triangle. 

 9) Dragon’s Triangle

The Dragon’s Triangle is the Bermuda’s Triangle counterpart in the Pacific Ocean. It was announced a war zone in 1950 when about 700 sailors disappeared in two years. The area is considered a danger by fishing authorities of Japan.
10) Major Incidents

USS Scorpions, c-54 Skymaster, Ellen Austin, Marine Sulphur Queen, Mary Celeste – The Ghost Ship and Tudor Star Tiger are some of the significant Bermuda Triangle incidents.

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the world’s biggest unsolved mysteries. Also known as Devil’s Triangle, the triangle extends from the island of Bermuda to Miami, USA to San Juan, Puerto Rico and is believed to contain a supernatural secret. You will not find the Bermuda Triangle on a map, but the name can strike fear into the hearts of many people. Thousands of people and several planes, ships and boats have vanished inside this triangle. Explanations given for these disappearances vary from scientific to myth. Here are some shocking facts you didn’t know about the Bermuda Triangle.

1) Not Really A Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is not really a triangle. Neither does this area have any official boundary, nor any particular shape. The Bermuda Triangle is also not recognized as a real place by the United States Navy.

2)  Compass Points Towards True North

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the uncommon places on the planet where the compass points towards true north and not magnetic north. This generates confusion and that is why several planes and ships lost their course in the Bermuda Triangle.

3)  Lost City Of Atlantis

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

Two researchers, Pauline Zalitzki and Paul Weinzweig, have confirmed that a huge city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The ancient city includes four giant pyramids and sphinxes and sits within the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle. Many people believe that this could be the lost city of Atlantis.

4)  Bermuda Triangle Accidents

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

According to research, reports of the Bermuda Triangle have been overstated and that the differences between the Bermuda Triangle accidents and other areas of the world are not major.

5) Atlantic Undersea Test And Evaluation Center

10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle -

Inside the Bermuda Triangle, the American Government has Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center which is located on the Bahamas’ Andros Island. Here the Navy tests their sonar, submarines and other weapons. However, several people believe that it is more than just the testing center.

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Bermuda Triangle -

Bermuda Triangle


Bermuda Triangle


Bermuda Triangle, section of the North Atlantic Ocean off North America in which more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes are said to have mysteriously disappeared. The area, whose boundaries are not universally agreed upon, has a vaguely triangular shape marked by the southern U.S. coast, Bermuda, and the Greater Antilles


Bermuda Triangle -


Reports of unexplained occurrences in the region date to the mid-19th century. Some ships were discovered completely abandoned for no apparent reason; others transmitted no distress signals and were never seen or heard from again. Aircraft have been reported and then vanished, and rescue missions are said to have vanished when flying in the area. However, wreckage has not been found, and some of the theories advanced to explain the repeated mysteries have been fanciful. Although theories of supernatural causes for these disappearances abound, geophysical and environmental factors are most likely responsible. One hypothesis is that pilots failed to account for the agonic line—the place at which there is no need to compensate for magnetic compass variation—as they approached the Bermuda Triangle, resulting in significant navigational error and catastrophe. Boaters and fliers continue to venture through the triangle without event.


Bermuda Triangle


10 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About The Bermuda Triangle

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Eiffel Tower History : facts and important dates -

Eiffel Tower History:facts and important dates


The Eiffel tower history represents a part of national heritage. It's as been the symbol of France and Paris for decades. But when Gustave Eiffel achived its construction in 1889, the tower was only meant to be temporary in the Parisian landscape and was far from being the parisians' favourite landmark. Discover the evolution and the history of the Paris Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower history was not an easy one. At the time, many were against the building and voiced their concern in a letter entitled "Artists Against Mr. Eiffel’s Tower", stating the tower to be a threat against the aesthetic nature of Paris. An iron tower erected smack in the heart of Paris was considered unacceptable, a stark contrast to the elegance and refined beauty of the city. For example, Verlaine nicknamed the Eiffel Tower the “Skeleton of Beffroi” to demonstrate the giant tower’s ungainly appearance that was bound to “disfigure” the city.

Despite all the uproar, the frail iron tower would nonetheless see the day. To understand the history of the Eiffel Tower, it is important to know that its construction followed different steps. The construction itself lasted two years

  • June 1884 : The project began and the first drawings were done. 
  • January 28th, 1887 : The works begin.
  • April 1st, 1888 : The first stage was completed.
  • August 14th, 1888 : The second stage was completed.
  • March 31st, 1889 : The third and final stage in which the tower was completed in its entirety ended. 
  • The Eiffel Tower was inaugurated on March 31, 1889. Gustave Eiffel walked the 1,710 steps to the top of the Tower to place the tricolored French flag at its summit. At the time, the Tower was 312 meters high.

When the project came to being, it had been established that the licensing rights linked to the convention for the tower’s construction would last only 20 years, followed by imminent destruction. However, two million people visited the Tower during the Universal Exposition. Following this incredible success, the building became a symbol of French industrial power. The Tower was as equally as successful during the 1900 Universal Exposition. Determined to avoid the Tower’s destruction, Gustave Eiffel went to great lengths to prove its scientific utility. Scientific experiments were conducted in the fields of astronomy and physiology but what would really save the Tower in the end was its use as a radio antenna tower, first for military communications and then for permanent, radiotelegraphy communications; in fact, the Tower served many a purpose during the First World War. The Eiffel Tower is part of the French History.

Every year approximately 7 million visitors climb the Tower. Its success is such that many countries all over the world have replicated the Tower more or less identically to the original one. Can you really imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower? During your stay in Paris, don't miss the Eiffel Tower light shows that have been delighting the tourists and Parisians since the end of the XIXth century.

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018 -

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018

* Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018 :                      

Kailash Manasarovar is a Scared Himalaya Mountain Situated in Tibet. Holy Kailash Manasarovar is also Famous as Mount kailash,Kailash Parvat. The Word Kailash manasarovar is derived from Two words Kailash + Manasarovar where Kailash Refers  to Mountain or  home of lord shiva where as Manasarovar Refers to Lake in Mountain. 

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018

According to Skanda Puran,Supreme Hindu Text,It is described that Kailash manasarovar is supreme mountains where God shiva dwells and is residential himalaya home of shiva. Where as the Lake situated in Mount -Kailash name as Manasarovar or Lake manasarovar is described as Supreme Holy Lake where god shiva and Indra swimmed as Swan.   

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018

The Hindu Sanskrit words 'Parvat'  or 'Himalaya Parbat 'also refers to mountain or Home of shiva,so it is also known as Kailash parvat.which Simply means home of bhagwan 'Shiva'.

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018

Kailash mansarovar Mounatin ,god shiva, Tibet ,In Golden Sunrays darshan Scenery
Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018
The Pilgrimage to Kailash mansarovar from India ,Nepal and Devotees from West Country is Seen every years.Many Devotee had their wonderful unimaginable experiences due to high climatic condition and lack of Atmosphere. Except Vehicles Drive,many hours foot walk or incase if someone is very tried is gone through Himalaya Yak drive.Many Devotee do their struggle and hard drive to reach home of god shiva. Devotee Chant ,worship god and Takes holy bath(snan) in Lake mansarovar and forgets all their troubling life and Sumbit onself to param beautiful holy dham for the momenet. Many devotee forget moment when reach mount kailash with struggle journey.One can feel full love and Get God shiva easily if someone go for pilgrimage to mansarovar.
Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018
Lake Mansarovar in Mount Kailash and Holy Mounatin Kailash are two of the holiest pilgrimage areas to devotees of Hinduism.Each year thousands of devotees undertake the Scared journey through the mountains and plains of Nepal and China to reach this sacred land in Tibet.
Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018
According to Hindu religion, the Mansarovar lake was first created in the mind of the Lord Brahma. Hence, in Sanskrit it is called "Manasarovar", which is a combination of the words Manas and Sarovar. The lake, in Hindu mythology, is also supposed to be the summer abode of swans, who are considered as very wise and sacred water birds. It is also believed the Devas descend to bathe in the lake between 3 and 5 am the time of the day known as Brahma Muhurta,Brahma auspicious time.
Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018
It is the abode of lord  Shiva  and his divine consort Parvati. It expounds the philosophy of PURUSHA and PRAKRITI - SHIVA and SHAKTI. The radiant SILVERY summit is the throne of TRUTH, WISDOM and BLISS-SACHIDANANDAM. The premordial sound AUM from the tinkling anklets of LALITA PRAKRITI created the visible patterns of the universe and the VIBRATIONS from the feet of Shiva weaved the essence of ATMAN - the ultimate truth. The spreading resonance and limitless patterns constitute the grosser forms of all matters to accurate scale. This is the cosmic dance visualized in millions of forms by the devotees. The silvery mount is the apex where the sound and the lights merges and the true Yogi transcends both these and merges into OM. Mind is the knot tying consciousness and matter this is set free here. This is the heart of Indian Philosophy and civilization and the grand Manasarovar reflects the total Shaivam consciousness.

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018
Many devotee are seen every year from India and Western country in Nepal,which is the main entrance to enter Border of China and China to tibet. Main Auspicious Season to visit Mount kailash is June - August.
Many other place to see in kailash manasarovar yatra are ,Other places to See are Gouri Kund at 5608 m, also called the Lake of compassion as referred to in the shiva Purana this is the setting for the legend of Parvati and how Ganesh acquired his elephant head bathing in the emerald waters of the kund.
 Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2018
Hindus who walk around the 32-mile circumference of Mount Kailash use the term parikrama. They believe that lord Shiva, one of their three main gods, resides atop what they call Mount Meru. Tibetans refer to the clockwise circumambulation as a kora. Both words mean the same thing pilgrimage. Doing a walk around the mountain can away a lifetimes worth of sins. A Single circumambulation around Mount Kailash wipes away the sins of a lifetime.The other place in Mount kailash to visit are Godly and holy which is very important to visit in kailash yatra if possible.

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018-

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018
शनि को सभी ग्रहों में सबसे खतरनाक ग्रह माना जाता है | अगर कोई इन्सान एक अच्छी आयु जीता है तो उसको जीवन में तीन बार शनि की दशा से गुजरना पड़ता है | पहली बार वो इन्सान के साथ खेलता है ,दुसरी बार उसकी जिन्दगी में भूचाल ले आता है औ तीसरी बार उसके सरे धन-दौलत को नष्ट कर देता है | इसी कारण सभी शनि को शांत रखने का प्रयास करते है | शनिवार का व्रत कोई भी कर सकता है और अगर वो श्रावण मास के शनिवार से करे तो सबसे उत्तम होता है | इस व्रत को करने के लिए कुछ विशेष बातो का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है जो आप किसी अनुभवी इन्सान या पंडित की सहायता से कर सकते है |

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018

शनि देव की कथा    Shani Dev Katha

आज्ञा दे गुरु देव ने ,देना शीष झुकाय , कथा कहू शनि देव की ,भाषा सरल बनाय

एक बार सभी ग्रह एक साथ इकट्ठे हुए और आपस में बाते करने लगे | कुछ विषयों पर बात करते करते वो एक विषय पर आकर रुक गये कि “सबसे सम्मानित ग्रह कौनसा है ” | वो सब आपस में तर्क वितर्क करने लगे लेकिन कोई नतीजा नही निकला इसलिए उन्होंने इंद्र देव के पास जाने का विचार किया | तो सभी ग्रह इंद्र देव के पास गये और वो भी विस्मय में पड़ गये क्योंकि अगर वो किसी को उचा नीचा दिखायेंगे तो किसी भी ग्रह का कोप उन पर गिर सकता था | कुछ देर बाद विचार करने के बाद इंद्र देव ने कहा “मान्यवरो , मै इस प्रश्न का उत्तर देने में असमर्थ हु लेकिन उज्जैयनी नगर में विक्रमादित्य नाम का राजा है जो आपके प्रश्न का उत्तर दे सकता है  ” | इस तरह इंद्र देव के कहने पर सभी ग्रह राजा विक्रम के दरबार में गये |
Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018

विक्रमादित्य उस समय का सबसे पसंदीदा राजा था क्योंकि वो अपने न्याय के लिए प्रसिद्ध था | जब उसने देखा कि सभी ग्रह उसके दरबार में आ रहे है तो वो तुंरत अपने सिंहासन से उठ गया और उन्हें अपने आसनों पर बैठने को कहा लेकिन उन्होंने मना कर दिया | उन्होंने कहा “हम यहा तब तक आसनों पर नही बैठेंगे जब तक तुम ये न्याय ना कर दो कि हम सब में से सबसे ऊचा ग्रह कौनसा है ” | विक्रमादित्य भी ऐसा प्रश्न सुनकर विस्मय में पड़ गया लेकिन फिर उसने एक योजना बनाई | उसने आसनों की एक कतार उसके सिंहासन से द्वार तक बनाई और उन्हें बैठने को कहा जब तक कि वो इसका निर्णय करते है |
Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018

विक्रम के सबसे निकट वाले आसन पर बृहस्पति जी दौड़ते हुए जाकर बैठ गये | अगले आसन पर सूर्य , उसके बाद चन्द्रमा ,उसके बाद मंगल , फिर राहू ओर फिर केतु बैठ गये | शुक्र देव आठवे आसन पर बैठ गये और अब अंतिम आसन बचा था और शनि देव बच गये थे |  लेकिन वो आसन सबसे अंतिम था और द्वार के नजदीक था इसलिए शनि देव Shani Dev ने वहा बैठने से मना कर दिया | विक्रम ने सोचा कि जो भी उस अंतिम आसन पर बैठकर विनम्रता दर्शायेगा उसे ही वो सबसे महान घोषित करेंगे लेकिन शनि देव Shani Dev के वहा नही बैठने से सब गडबड हो गया |
Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018
Shani Dev शनि देव एक क्रोध वाले देवता है | जब वो वहा पर नही बैठे तो सभी ग्रह हसने लग गये | Shani Dev शनि देव ने इसे अपना अपमान मानते हुए बहुत क्रोधित हुए और विक्रम से कहा “तुमने इस तरह मेरा अपमान करके अच्छा नही किया , तुम मुझे क्या मानते हो ? तुम मुझे अंत में बिठाने के लिए बुलाया है ? एक बात ध्यान रखना कि किसी भी राशि में चन्द्रमा सवा दो दिन ; सूर्य , बुध और शुक्र केवल 15 दिन ; मंगल 2 महीने ; गुरु 13 महीने और राहू-केतु 18 महीने तक रहते है लेकिन मै साढ़े सात साल तक किसी भी राशि में रहता हु |  इसलिए तुम अब अपना ध्यान रखो , तुम्हे भी मेरे अपमान का दंड सहना पड़ेगा |

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018
राजा विक्रम कुछ दिनों तक बिना कीसी मुसीबत के दिन गुजारे लेकिन जल्द ही राजा के साढ़े साती शुरू हो गये | उन दिनों में एक अश्व व्यापारी वहा आया और वहा घोड़े बेचने के लिए रुका | राजा ने भी कुछ सुंदर घोड़े खुद के लिए खरीदे | उनमे से एक घोड़े का नाम भंवर था जिसे राजा बहुत पसंद करता था | राजा उस घोड़े पर सवार हो गया और इधर उधर घुमने लगा तभी कुछ देर बाद वो दौड़ता  हुआ राजा को एक घने जंगल में छोडकर भाग गया | राजा को ये देखकर बहुत आश्चर्य हुआ और अब वो उस जंगल में भूखा-प्यासा भटकने लगा |

जब रात हुयी तो राजा को बड़ी जोरो की प्यास लगी जिससे वो जोर जोर से चिल्लाने लगा | एक दूधवाला उस रास्ते से गुजर रहा था उसने विक्रम को देख लिया | वो विक्रम को पास की नदी पर लेकर गया और उसे शीतल जल पिलाया | विक्रम बहुत प्रसन्न हुआ और उसने उस दूधवाले को अपनी सोने की अंगूठी निकालकर दे दी और कहा “मै  उज्जैन रहता हु और रास्ता भटक गया हु , क्या तुम मुझे रास्ता बता सकते हो ” | वो दूधवाला उसको गाँव में लेकर आया और उसको एक दुकानदार ने भोजन कराया | विक्रम ने दुकानदार को भी एक अंगूठी दी और उसको भी विक्रम ने रास्ता भटकने वाली बात बताई |
Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018
अब वो उस दुकानदार के साथ पुरे दिन बाते करता रहा और उस दिन दुकानदार को खूब आमदनी हुयी |  उसने सोचा इस आदमी की वजह से उसकी आज अच्छी आमदनी हुयी इसलिए उसने विक्रम को उसके साथ शाम को घर चलने को कहा | विक्रम उसके साथ घर गया और दुकानदार ने उसकी खूब खातिरदारी की | अब खाना खाते वक़्त एक अजीब घटना हुयी , जब विक्रम खाना खा रहा था तो वहा पर दीवार पर रखा हुआ सोने का हार गायब हो गया | दुकानदार की नौकरानी ने उसकी पत्नी को गले का हार चोरी होने की खबर दी | जब दुकानदार ने ये बात सूनी तो उसने विक्रम से हार के बारे में पूछा तो विक्रम के हार के बारे में कुछ भी पता होने से इंकार कर दिया |

दुकानदार ने कहा “जब हार चोरी हुआ तक तुम्हारे अलावा यहा कोई बाहर का व्यक्ति नही था , तुम जल्दी बताओ कि वो हार कहा है ” | विक्रम ने कहा “मै हार के बारे में कुछ नही जानता हु और मैंने हार नही चुराया है “| दुकानदार विक्रम को राजा के पास लेकर गये | जब राजा ने विक्रम के भोले चेहरे को देखा तो उसने कहा “ये आदमी कुछ चोरी नही कर सकता है ” | इस तरह राजा ने विक्रम को आजाद कर दिया | अब विक्रम शहर में घूम रहा था तभी के तेली ने उसे देखा और उसको अपने यहाँ काम करने के लिए पुछा | उस तेली ने विक्रम को काम के बदले रहने खाने की व्यवस्था देने को कहा | विक्रम राजी हो गया और वो तेली विक्रम को घर लेकर आ गया |
Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018
अब विक्रम कोल्हू के बैल को चलाने का काम करने लगा और वो तेली तेल को बाजार में बेचने जाता था | जब बारिश का मौसम आया तब विक्रम तेज आवाज में गाना गाने लगा | उसकी आवाज पास ही राजा के महल तक पहुच गयी और राजकुमारी इस मधुर स्वर पर मोहित हो गयी | उसने अपनी दासी को भेजकर उस आदमी का पता लगाने को कहा | दासी वहा गयी और उसने राजकुमारी को बताया कि एक नौजवान अपनी आंखे बंद कर गा रहा था | राजकुमारी उसके प्यार में खाना पीना भूल गयी थी | उसकी माँ ने उससे अपनी इस दशा का कारण पूछा | राजकुमारी ने कहा कि वो अगर वो विवाह करेगी तो सिर्फ उस मधुर गाना गाने वाले तेली से विवाह करेगी |

जब राजा ने अपनी पुत्री की ये मांग सूनी तो वो बहुत क्रोधित हुआ |  उसने विक्रम को बुलाया और उसके हाथ काटकर उसे जंगल में फेंक दिया | जब राजकुमारी को इस बात का पता चला तो उसने अपने मन को मजबूत करते हुए कहा कि अगर वो विवाह करेगी तो सिर्फ उसी तेली से चाहे उसके हाथ हो या ना हो | अपनी बेटी की जिद को देखते हुए राजा ने विक्रम को बुलाया और उसके साथ अपनी पुत्री का विवाह कर दिया | राजा ने उनके रहने के लिए एक साधारण घर भी दिया |

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018
एक दिन विक्रम सो रहा था और Shani Dev शनि देव उसके स्वप्न में आये , उसने शनि देव को प्रणाम किया और गलती की माफी माँगी | शनि देव ने उसे आशीर्वाद दिया और कहा “अब तुम्हारे साढ़े  साती खत्म होते है ” | और विक्रम के दोनों हाथ वापस आ गये | विक्रम ने अपनी पत्नी को नही जगाया और सुबह उसकी पत्नी उसके दोनों हाथ देखकर बहुत खुश हुयी | राजा को भी इस खबर का पता चल गया तो वो भी विक्रम को देखने आया और उसने बताया कि वो Shani Dev शनि देव का कोप झेल रहा था और उन्ही की दयालुता से उसके दोनों हाथ वापस आ गये | तब उसने राजा को अपना पूरा परिचय दिया | विक्रम का परिचय सुनकर राजा उसके चरणों में गिरकर क्षमा मांगने लगा |

जब दुकानदार को इस बात का पता चला तो वो भी दौड़ता हुआ विक्रम के चरणों में गिर गये | विक्रम ने उस दुकानदार से कहा “घर जाओ , तुम्हे तुम्हारा हार वापस वही मिल जाएगा ” | दुकानदार घर गया और हार उसी जगह पर टंगा हुआ मिला |विक्रम ने राजा को वापस अपने प्रदेश लौटने को कहा | राजा ने उसे उपहारस्वरुप कई घोड़े ,हाथी और दसिया देकर विदा किया | विक्रमादित्य की जनता अपने राजा के वापस लौटने पर बहुत प्रसन्न हुयी | विक्रम ने अब नवग्रह की पूजा की और Shani Dev शनि देव को सबसे उच्च स्थान दिया |

Lord of Power Shani Dev 2018